Abous US

Hello and Welcome to ANASTAKAS

Your imagination is your limit.

Just over three years ago i became fascinated with the idea of creating women’s t-shirts that every female can wear with pride and feel good.

I love fashion and I truly believe what we wear can change how we feel about ourselves, it interacts with the world presenting our moods and putting ourselves out there.  It’s our personal statement.

What you wear makes a huge difference how others are seeing us but also how we feel about ourselves.

When we are wearing something nice it makes us more confident ,comfortable and definitely we feel good.

Our personal style can empower us,but remember dress to empower yourself,definitely not to impress others.

Being a mum myself i love the idea of matching outfits for MUM and Daughter or the whole family.It’s personal, thoughtful  and creates great memories.

Our t-shirts are made with love,comfortable and are designed in Australia.

Recently we have added more products,Reed ,car diffusers ,candles and hand & body lotion all handmade in Australia.

We have 13 different smells ,myself I really enjoy Mediterranean and  Memories (inspired by Santal 33).

I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.
